Readingteam Patton

The Reading Post is committed to providing accurate, timely, and hyperlocal stories relevant to the town and environs of Reading, Massachusetts to the town’s residents and community members, in a primarily digital format. Reading Partners is a national nonprofit that mobilizes communities to provide students with the proven, individualized reading support they need to read at grade level by fourth grade.

  1. Reading Team Patton Middle School
  2. Reading Team Patton Elementary School
  3. Reading Team Patton Elementary
Readingteam Patton

If you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything.

— Tomie dePaola*

The Reading Team’s literacy programs serve children from Pre-K through fifth grade at six locations in Harlem.

The Reading Team does not charge a fee for our programs.




*American writer and illustrator who created more than 260 children's books, such as Strega Nona. He received the Children's Literature Legacy Award for his lifetime contribution to American children's literature in 2011.

Our literacy-intensive environment features a high adult-to-child ratio, is caring and supportive, and accommodates diverse learning styles and needs. Our programs use essential and interdependent instructional elements to build key literacy skills and concepts in support of Reading Team children.

From September through June each year, our Preschool Program serves children ages three to four from six neighborhood day care centers and Head Start programs, equipping them with important early literacy skills and concepts needed for success in elementary school.

Preschool - Main Site

Reading Team Patton Middle School

Twice a week, four-year-old preschoolers come to our main site in groups of 40-45 and spend 90 minutes engaged in conversation, letter and word games, singing and dancing, and storybook reading.

Preschool - Satellites

We also deliver preschool literacy instruction twice a week, from 30 minutes to 60 minutes, at three neighborhood child care centers that serve children ages 3 and 4.

Reading Team Patton Elementary School

During the school year, the Reading Team’s’s remarkably successful After-School Program serves children in Grades K-5 from 17 elementary schools at our main program site in Central Harlem and at Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary School in West Harlem. Students participate for three hours every school-day afternoon.

Each day, children receive a healthy snack or a hot meal, homework help, and a rigorous program of lessons and activities that enable them to overcome their obstacles to successful literacy development.

Reading Team Patton Elementary

Every year, 80% or more of Reading Team children in Grades 3-5, pass the New York State English Language Arts Exam. By contrast, barely 30% of children in Harlem and 50% of children citywide pass this exam. which is administered annually to students in Grades 3-8 in the state.

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