Word 2018 For Mac Navigation Pane Showing More Than Headings

Word provides built-in styles for several different levels of headings and subheads—Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on. The styles define the font family, size, color, and more. While you can create your own styles and use those as headings, or adjust the formatting of headings look on the fly, you can also change the default styles if you want. The Word Navigation Pane is a great way of looking through a document. On the Mac, click the Sidebar option to show the drop-down menu. Click the arrow next to the option and click Navigation. (On older versions of the Mac software, the option is called Document Map Pane.) On the Mac, use Sidebar Navigation to navigate through a document. Weirdly, it appears that some inaccessible PDFs are more accessible if you open them in Microsoft Word! Figure 2 – Opening the same document in Microsoft Word shows that there is a heading structure (picked up by the Navigation Pane) and the texts is all perfectly readable. Option 2 – for readers. Use the PAVE tool. In Word 2019 it removes the heading in the document navigation, but not in the table of contents By Costis on 8th June 2019 Unfortunately this also removes the entry from the Navigation Pane. I've tried to uncheck the Build TOC from Styles box, but it doesn't work, after closing settings and opening again, the Styles box is still checked.

24. January 2018 Tips & Tricks, Uncategorized 15

In my motivation for starting my blog at jeffreykusters.nl, I explained one of the purposes of my blog was to simply write down stuff I was going to forget for sure. Call it a journal or a sort of external memory. This is my first blog post in that category which I have dubbed Tips & Tricks and it focuses on cleaning up the Table of Contents in Microsoft Word.

As a consultant and architect, I consider myself a pretty heavy Microsoft Word user. In our line of work, we often have to create monster Word documents with numerous headings, styles, tables, figures, captions, footnotes, references, table of contents, and so on.

Today, I came across a very effective tip when dealing with Word. Often, when you open a document created by someone else, or if you copy over portions of other documents, your table of contents can get cluttered with headings you don’t necessarily want in your TOC. Maybe you have some preliminary chapters, such as a management summary, that shouldn’t be in the TOC or the heading styles are basically just a mess.

Pro tip: Having consistency in your heading styles is crucial when working in large documents. Messy heading styles also make navigating in your document via the Navigation Pane (which I personally use very, very often!) more difficult.

In the following, simple example the sections “document properties”, “document history” and “index” should not be included in the TOC:

I already created a copy of my “Heading 1” style in the past which should have excluded it from the TOC but somehow the style was modified along the way. Instead of modifying the properties of the style, I stumbled across a very easy way to do this:

  1. Highlight the text
  2. Go to ‘References’
  3. Click on the ‘Add Text’ pull-down menu
  4. Check Do Not Show in Table of Contents

How to move page order/number down in a Word document?

Let’s say you want to move a page to the end of current Word document, how could you deal with it quickly? And what if arranging multiple pages’ order in bulk? Here, this article will introduce a couple of tricks to move page order/number in a Word document easily.


Move one page’s order/number down in Word

For example, you need to move one page to the end of current Word document, you can easily cut this page, and then paste it at the end of this document. Please do as follows:

1. Enable the Navigation Pane by checking the Navigation Pane option on the View tab. See screenshot:

2. In the Navigation Pane, please click the Pages tab, and then click the specified page you will move to end. See screenshot:

3. Now the cursor jumps to the beginning of the specified page. Please select the whole page, and press Ctrl + X keys together to cut this page.
Note: When the cursor is placed at the beginning of the specified page, you can press Shift + PgDn (Page Down) keys together to select the whole page easily.

Word 2018 For Mac Navigation Pane Showing More Than Headings Required

4. Go to the end of current document, and then press Ctrl + V keys together to paste the specified page.

Till now the specified page has been moved to the end of current document already.

Word 2018 For Mac Navigation Pane Showing More Than Headings Examples

Move multiple pages’ order/number in Word

You might notice that the pages can’t be moved under Pages tab of Navigation Pane, however, the headings are movable on the Headings tab by dragging and dropping. This method will guide you to add Heading 1 at the beginning of each page, and then move pages by moving these headings in Word.

1. Enable the Navigation Pane by checking Navigation Pane option on the View tab. See screenshot:

2. Click the Pages tab on the Navigation Pane. See screenshot:

3. Please (1) click the Page 1 on the Navigation pane to skip to Page 1, (2) type Page 1 at the beginning of the page, and then (3) click Home > Heading 1. See screenshot:
Please repeat this step to type Page 2 and format as Heading 1 at the beginning of Page 2, …, type Page N and format as Heading 1 at the beginning of Page N.


4. Click the Headings tab on the Navigation Pane. And now you will see the headings are shown as page numbers. See screenshot:

5. Drag the specified page you will move, and then drop to the proper location. Repeat this step to rearrange all pages as you need. See screenshots:

Word 2018 for mac navigation pane showing more than headings required

Tabbed browsing & editing multiple Word documents as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explore 10!


You may be familiar to view multiple webpages in Firefox/Chrome/IE, and switch between them by clicking corresponding tabs easily. Here, Office Tab supports similar processing, which allow you to browse multiple Word documents in one Word window, and easily switch between them by clicking their tabs. Click for full features free trial!

Word 2018 For Mac Navigation Pane Showing More Than Headings Using

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Word 2018 For Mac Navigation Pane Showing More Than Headings Within

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    Great Article!
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    Thank you so much.

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