Free Odbc Driver For Mac Numbers

MySQL ODBC 5.2 Unicode Driver version 5.2.7, (32-bit and 64-bit) For MySQL Community Server 5.6.12 on Mac OS X use: Actual Technologies, Open Source Databases version 4.0.0. The instructions below apply to Excel 2016, 2019 and Microsoft 365 for Mac. These versions of Excel do provide an ODBC driver for connecting to SQL Server Databases. On the Data tab, click New Database Query SQL Server ODBC. Then use the dialog boxes to import the data.

ODBC on the Macintosh

Free Odbc Driver For Mac Numbers

IBM's technical support resource for all IBM products and services including downloads, fixes, drivers, APARs, product documentation, Redbooks, whitepapers and technotes. If you installed a previous version of the Vertica ODBC driver for Mac OS X, your system may already have a registered driver named 'Vertica.' In this case, If you must remove or rename the older version of the driver before installing the Vertica ODBC driver.pkg. MySQL Connector/ODBC can be used as an ODBC database driver on multiple platforms, such as Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. By installing the MySQL Connector/ODBC driver you will be able to connect to any MySQL databases using the ODBC interface.

The Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) application programminginterface (API) allows applications to access data in databasemanagement systems (DBMS) using Structured Query Language (SQL)as a standard for accessing data. The interface permits maximuminteroperability - a single application can access differentdatabase management systems. This allows an application developerto develop, compile, and ship an application without targetinga specific DBMS. Users can then add modules called database driversthat link the application to their choice of database managementsystem.

ODBC allows the front end client programmer to abstractly querya proprietary backend RDBMS database without overly tying theclient application to that particular vendor.

When programming to interact with an ODBC compliant databaseyou need to communicate via the ODBC protocol (a combination ofODBC API function calls and the SQL language). The ODBC Managerwill figure out how to contend with the type of database you aretargeting. Regardless of the database type you are using, allof your calls will be to the ODBC API. All that you need to dois have installed an ODBC driver that is specific to the typeof database you will be using.

With the introduction of REALbasicthe rapid development of AppleMacintosh applications which can act as front-ends to industrialstrength backend databases (such as SYBASE, ORACLE etc. running onSun UNIX systems) is now possible.Until now, however, the information on the missing link 'ODBC'for the Macintosh has been difficult to obtain. This web pageis designed to help you go from concept, to REALbasic ODBC clientapplication, to backend ODBC compliant Database, to product.

This page is about ODBC and not JDBC.

FileMaker Pro now has SQL Builderand ODBC import capabilities as well as an ODBC Server plugin.

I have written a Sybase Browser and isqlreplacement application for Win32 and Macintosh.

Some ODBC Background:

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ODBC on Macintosh is implemented via shared libraries installedin the System Folder. The GUI interface to these libraries isgenerally a control panel, called 'ODBC Setup PPC' (orsome such) and the most important step in setting up an ODBC connectionis creating an 'ODBC data source'.

The 'ODBC Setup PPC' control panel will allow youto administer multiple ODBC data sources.

An 'ODBC data source' connection is simply the logicaljoin between the backend database (and the details needed to talkto that server e.g. DBMS logon name, password, IP address) andthe specific ODBC driver (shared lib) for that particular vendor(e.g. SYBASE). These connections are either of type 'UserDSN' (User Data Source Name. i.e. a remote database wherea network connection is required), 'File DSN' (FileData Source Name, i.e. a local file on this machine contains theinformation) or 'Server DSN' (Server Data Source Name,i.e. a minimally configured client interfaces with an centrallyadministered ODBC master server that communicates with the DBMS).This information gives the ODBC driver manager the ability toact as the conduit between the Client Macintosh application andthe DBMS.

With the connections set, the ODBC system is now enabled asthe Babel fish between your client application and the backendserver. Remember your app (or REALbasic) talks to the ODBC sharedlibraries and not the actual DBMS.

Some Mac ODBC Middleware software:

ODBC Aware VendorsNotes
Actual Technologies, LLCOur Actual ODBC Driver for SQL Server lets Mac OS X user connect to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases from applications such as Excel and FileMaker Pro.

The driver supports both types of SQL Server authentication and requires nothing to be installed on the server.

It is available for $30 USD for a single user license. A non-expiring demo version is also available from our website.

Openlink SoftwareOpenLink Software have been providing ODBC solutions for Mac users for several years. They have recently been active in this area and have a number of software releases.

Open-source (BSD and LGPL licensed) iODBC Driver Manager for Mac OS 8.6-9.x and Mac OS X, complete with SDK for the building of both ODBC Drivers and Applications.

Universal Data Access Suite -- a Multi-Tier ODBC solution delivering connectivity from Mac OS 7+ and Mac OS X to most major DBMS on most major OS.

Virtuoso -- Internet Data Integration Server.

ODBC Gateway by Team FXMLA free, GPL'd ODBC/XML gateway that runs on Windows NT. I have written a REALbasic socket demo that can talk to this WindowsNT server process. It allows ODBC connectivity without installing Macintosh Drivers.
Server DSN setup. Allows one primary NT server to manager all ODBC configurations. Macintosh clients simply connect to this Windows NT ODBC router. Augsoft have also recently been very active in this area and have a number of new software releases are available. Excellent info docs are available.


In latest release, the hardware key is NOT required!

Latest Downloads

MERANT (INTERSOLV/ DataDirect Connect

Version 3.02 ODBC interface drivers Manual

v3 ODBC interface compliant drivers.

Difficult to find information on their poorly organised web site. Macintosh info is buried deep in the supposedly cross-platform manuals. Seems to have lost Mac focus. The single Mac programmer Peter Kaplan left in mid 1999.

FileMaker 4.1 may still be supplying the older INTERSOLV Sybase driver version 3.0.2 PPC. This driver will cause a freeze or crash if it is selected from within the Select Data Source dialog in FileMaker Pro.

Has Macintosh ODBC drivers as well as SequeLink ODBC drivers. The later is a 'universal' driver that communicates to the SequeLink Server which in turn connects to the SQL database. Sequelink ODBC driver costs about $100 USD per client in packs of 20. Amazingly, it works well...

UPDATE: MERANT recently obtained the services of a new Mac marketing manager who appears keen to reverse MERANT's previous form with Mac ODBC drivers. He seems keen to make them work again - Good Luck Greg Stasko

UPDATE 2: MERANT recently out-sourced their ODBC driver sales to - MetroTech sell the latest ODBC and Sequelink drivers.

UPDATE 3: According to sources, Merant has spun off their DataDirect business in a sale to Golden Gate Capital; what this means to Mac users has yet to be determined.

UPDATE 4: According to yet more sources....

RE: ...MERANT's DataDirect division was puchased by Golden Gate Capital which is correct. That portion of the company is now it's own private company called DataDirect Technologies ( and they are still moving forward with their Mac drivers. They have recently released version 4.0 of their ODBC drivers on Mac (all other platforms are at version 4.1) which include a few 'Wire Protocol' drivers which are a real plus. Wire Protocol drivers speak directly to the database rather than through some client software which cuts out the middle man. This not only allows you to connect to DBs with only one piece of software but also speeds things up.
It should be noted that File Maker's drivers are actually embeded DataDirect drivers. The latest version of FileMaker Pro uses the 4.0 drivers.
The drivers can be purchased directly from DataDirect Technologies or through DataVisions (formerly Metro).
As of now there is a single mac developer working on the drivers.
Unfortunately, there is no SequeLink 5.3 driver on mac. 5.3 is the latest version.
Hope this info is helpful to you.
ps, I have also heard rumors of them porting their existing unix drivers to native Darwin/Unix but have no idea if this is actually going to happen.

UPDATE 4: According to reliable sources ;-)....

'Metro Technologies, L.L.C. ceased operations on January 31, 2002. The then current CEO (Gary Dotzlaw) and myself (Russell J. Cerqua) started a new company called Datavations LLC. We were able to get the contract with DataDirect to be the primary distributor of their Mac ODBC drivers. You still have a reference to the Metro Technologies website, which is currently being redirected to, our new company's website.
Secondly, there was a management buy-out of the DataDirect business of Merant. The new company is appropriately known as DataDirect Technologies, Inc. While the names Intersolv and Merant are still out there with regards to ODBC drivers, everything is slowly but surely changing over to DataDirect Technologies, Inc.
Thanks for your time, and when you have a moment, check out our website at'
Visigenic - ODBC for Macintosh.Have stopped making ODBC driver for all platforms. Was the basis for the 'Apple ODBC' libraries. There are reports that the older versions are starting to fail under MacOS 9. Visigenic was purchased by Intersolv, before the merger that builtMerant.
Primebase (uses the visigenic drivers, also has a Mac SQL server)

Very active Mac focussed company. Looks interesting. RB has a native plugin.

Go to this web site and you might also find the old Visigenic/Apple ODBC control panel software

FileMaker Pro (See also the FM ODBC plugin by Professional Data Management )Mac CD has older INTERSOLV ODBC installer. Installer adds drivers for Oracle, text , dBase and FoxDb, Sybase databases (Sybase driver has crashing bug - need to upgrade to SequeLink Drivers). Started to offer FM as an ODBC server via ODBC server plugin.
Microsoft Office 98MSOffice 98 CD contains 'a Value Pack' with drivers to different dbms including MS SQL, Oracle, etc.
Apple MacODBC

Apple have signed a mult-year agreement with MERANT to ensure that ODBC drivers are available. Is this just more MERANT lip-service? Time will tell.

v2 ODBC interfaces were marked as unsupported but are now no longer available for download from Apple's web site.

REALbasic Various driversAllows the creation of powerful client applications that can access ODBC Data Sources.


JDBC is a version of ODBC for Java applications. MacintoshJava applications can have the JDBC libraries included in theruntime application to allow connection to the RDBMS without installationof the ODBC shared libraries. This allows the app to by launchedwithout installing any extra information into the system folderand works very well. For more info on JDBC try Metrowerksand Sun.

Some helpful links:

Free odbc driver for mac numbers key


Free Odbc Driver For Mac Numbers Download

ODBC - Open Database Connectivity
API - application programming interface
DBMS - (Relational) Database Management System
SQL - Structured Query Language
Babel fish - A mythical fish that when placed in the ear, translates every spoken language into your native tongue (from Author Douglas Adams).

Before configuring an ODBC driver on a Mac, you will need to download and install a Driver Manager, iODBC. Refer to your System Requirements documentation for iODBC versions compatible with your ODBC Driver:


Free Odbc Driver For Mac Numbers 7

iODBC can be downloaded from

For this example, we are using version 3.52.12.

Download mxkozzzz.dmg file to your computer. Double click mxkozzzz.dmg file to mount the disk image

Double click iODBC-SDK.pkg to run the installer. You will be guided through the steps necessary to install this software. Now you can register your ODBC driver.

Permission setup for iODBC on Mac OS

Allow write permissions to enable value update of USER DSN in iODBC Administrator

Free Odbc Driver For Mac Numbers Key

  1. In Finder, from your home {username} folder, go to {username}/Library/ODBC folder and find the file named odbc.ini.
    In this blog, we only need to allow the permission in user’s folder because we are only updating value in USER DSN. If you want to use a SYSTEM DSN instead, click “Go” in the finder menu and choose “Go to Folder…” or press Shift + Command + G as shortcut. Type in /Library/ODBC and click on “Go”.
    You can find the file named odbc.ini.
  2. Right click on odbc.ini, and choose Get Info option.
  3. In Sharing & Permission section, ensure your user group has the permission to Read & Write. You might need administrator permission to edit this section. Click on the lock icon at bottom right corner to unlock the permission to edit the list.

    the list, click the “+” button at bottom left corner to add yourself. Then select your privilege to see the options and set it as Read & Write.

  4. Now you are all set with the permission settings.

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