Gun Bloodpotato Games

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  1. Don't let bad dental habits steal a beautiful smile. WebMD's slideshow exposes top teeth-wrecking culprits, as well as tips to protect your teeth and gums.
  2. The next significant period in Korea’s culinary history was the Goryeo period (918-1392). After the Mongols invaded in the 13th century, many of the favorites of today were established such as mandu (dumplings), noodles, grilled meats and the introduction of seasonings like black pepper.

0-9 = Edited Entries that do not begin with a letter


Boing Boing: Well, that was predictable: days after a 3D printed gun fired a few rounds, Rep Steve Israel has called for a ban on of Wiki Weapons. The congressman points out (correctly) that all-plastic 3D printed weapons would not be easy to spot using traditional methods, such as metal detectors.

Infinite Improbability Drive

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Douglas Adams

'A collaborative guide, one that was written and kept up to date by the people who used it, in real time, might be a neat idea. I just didn't really realise that such a thing might be possible in my lifetime or how powerful such a thing might be.'

A place to share knowledge and celebrate the things you love by writing about them

We have the first snowflake. Now let's build a blizzard

h2g2 founder Douglas Adams

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'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers.'

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The Foundation

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Co-founded by the h2g2 community, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Foundation is an independent charity honouring Douglas Adams' memory by supporting people around the world trying to improve their communication skills, especially basic literacy skills.

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