Weebly Release Notes: New Features And Apps From April

Re: Weebly Release Notes: New Features & Apps from January 2018 Thank you for the feedback, @afa Have you already submitted your feature requests or voted on any current ones? The comments for requests are super important for our team to see and we definitely appreciate you taking the time to voice your opinion. New Features This page contains the release notes for SecureDoc v6.1. New Features. SES Web Console and Mobile Device Management (MDM) SecureDoc v6.1 now includes the SES web console, a web-based interface for SecureDoc Enterprise Server. The SES web console supports the daily administration features provided by the SecureDoc Enterprise. Oct 11, 2019 The enhancements to Dynamics 365 applications in the April ’19 release include hundreds of new capabilities across Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Portal, Field Service, Project Service Automation, Finance and Operations, Talent, Retail, and Business Central.

  1. Weebly Release Notes: New Features And Apps From April 2019
  2. Weebly Release Notes: New Features And Apps From April 2020

This page describes new features, fixes, and important notices in Adobe Experience Cloud. It also highlights new documentation, training courses, and video tutorials to help you get the most out of Experience Cloud.

Subscribe to the monthly Adobe Priority Product Update to receive email notifications about updates to this page. This page is maintained throughout the month, so please check back regularly for Adobe enterprise product and Experience League documentation updates.

Latest update: January 22, 2021

  • Adobe System Status (not updated)
  • Experience Platform (Updated January 14, 2021)
  • Analytics and Customer Journey Analytics (Updated: January 20, 2021)
  • Campaign (Updated January 14, 2021)
  • Advertising Cloud (Updated January 22, 2021)
  • Marketo Engage (Updated: January 11, 2021)

Need help? Visit Adobe Experience League to find product and technical documentation, Adobe-curated courses, video tutorials, quick answers, community insight, and instructor-led training. Content has moved to this location from docs.adobe.com. Please update bookmarks accordingly.

Adobe System Status

Adobe System Status provides detailed information, status updates, and email notifications about Adobe cloud products and services outage, disruption, and maintenance events. Check it out at status.adobe.com.

Not updated this month.

See Adobe System Status - May 21, 2020 for the latest release information.

Experience Cloud services and administration

Experience Cloud services and administration documentation includes Customer Attributes, Audience Library (People service), Activation, user and product management, and Experience Cloud cookies.

Not updated this month.

See also

  • Cumulative release notes for Experience Cloud services for the latest release information.
  • Experience Cloud ID Service release notes

Adobe Experience Platform

Includes release update information for Experience Platform and Experience Platform Launch.

FeatureRelease dateDescription
Enhanced in-product support interaction for Experience PlatformJanuary 15, 2021You can now ask a question or report an issue for Experience Platform without leaving your Experience Platform interface. Navigate to Help > Support > Create a support ticket, then enter your inquiry and submit your case directly to Customer Support. You will receive an email notification with a case ID and Customer Support team will reach out to you via ticket to address your need.

Latest update: December 9, 2020

See Experience Platform release notes for the most recent updates applying to:

  • Dataflows
  • Data Science Workspace
  • Sources

Experience Platform Launch

Release date: January 13, 2021

Launch Server Side: Send event-level data to AEP Edge Network, then use Launch Server Side to transform, enrich, and send that data to a non-Adobe endpoint using Adobe’s servers, not the client, with low latency. More…

See also

  • Experience Platform Launch release notes for information about Experience Platform Launch.
  • Experience Cloud ID Service Extension release notes

Adobe Mobile

Updated January 14, 2021

iOS Version 4.21.1

  • General – Fixed an issue that could cause SQLite exceptions during app shut down.

iOS Version 4.21.0

  • General - The SDK is now distributed using XCFrameworks to support hardware with the new Apple M1 architecture while maintaining support for existing Intel architecture.

  • IMPORTANT: Upgrading to AdobeMobile XCFrameworks requires Xcode 12.0 or newer.

  • IMPORTANT: If using Cocoapods, upgrading to AdobeMobile XCFrameworks requires Cocoapods 1.10.0 or newer.

Experience Platform and services tutorials and courses

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Experience Platform and services.

Updated: January 6, 2021

December 23, 2020Union schemas overviewVideoLearn about union schemas used by Adobe Experience Platform’s Real-time Customer Profile.
December 22, 2020Create multi-entity segmentsVideoLearn how to build multi-entity segments in Adobe Experience Platform’s Segment Builder.
December 21, 2020Create offer activitiesVideoLearn how to create offer activities in Offer Decisioning. An offer activity combines your placements and collections into a single entity, so that a decision can be made to deliver the most relevant offer to the customer.
December 21, 2020Create collectionsVideoLearn how to create collections in Offer Decisioning. Collections are used to manage offers in logical groups and are required to build Offer Decisioning activities.
December 21, 2020Deliver offers with the Decisions APIVideoLearn how to deliver Offer Decisioning offers with the Decisions API.
December 15, 2020Create personalized offersVideoLearn how to create personalized offers in Offer Decisioning.
December 15, 2020Create fallback offersVideoLearn how to create fallback offers in Offer Decisioning.
December 14, 2020 (Updated)Understanding Real-time Customer ProfileVideoThis video explains how Adobe Experience Platform assembles and updates Real-Time Customer Profiles and how you can access and use these profiles.
December 10, 2020Create TagsVideoLearn how to create tags in Offer Decisioning. Tags are optional building block components of offers. They can be used to organize offers and group them in dynamic collections.
December 9, 2020Create Rules in Offer DecisioningVideoLearn how to create rules in Offer Decisioning. Rules are built using the events and attributes in Platform’s Real-time Customer Profile and form the eligibility constraints of offers.
December 9, 2020Create PlacementsVideoLearn how to create placements in Offer Decisioning. A placement is the combination of content type and channel, such as an image in an email or HTML code on a website.
October 29, 2020 (Updated)Offer DecisioningVideoLearn how brands can use Adobe’s new Offer Decisioning service to define and manage their offers,leverage real-time customer data, and deliver the right experiences their customers expect.
October 26, 2020 (Updated)Introduction to Offer DecisioningVideoThis video gives an overview of Offer Decisioning, an application service built on top of Adobe Experience Platform. The video covers the business challenges Offer Decisioning solves, its key capabilities, the basic architecture, and its main use cases.
October 26, 2020 (Updated)Ingest Data using the Salesforce CRM Source ConnectorVideoThe Salesforce CRM Source connector allows you to easily batch ingest data from Salesforce CRM into Adobe Experience Platform’s Real-time Customer Profile and Experience Data Lake, in a seamless and scalable manner.
October 13, 2020 (Updated)Ingest Data using the Salesforce CRM Source ConnectorVideoThe Salesforce CRM Source connector allows you to easily batch ingest data from Salesforce CRM into Adobe Experience Platform’s Real-time Customer Profile and Experience Data Lake, in a seamless and scalable manner.
October 23, 2020 (Updated)Bring Data into Real-time Customer ProfileVideoReal-Time Customer Profile powers cross channel personalization at scale through each phase of the customer journey.
October 13, 2020 (Updated)Configure Attribution AIVideoLearn how to create an instance of Attribution AI to understand the impact of your marketing channels and campaigns.
October 13, 2020 (Updated)Configure Customer AIVideoLearn how to create an instance of Customer AI to predict customer behavior.

Journey Orchestration

Use Adobe Experience Platform to orchestrate a customer’s journey at scale across experience channels, by intelligently anticipating every individual’s needs in real time.

New product releases

  • November release - Read more
  • October release - Read more

Additional resources for Journey Orchestration

Documentation - Release Notes - How-to videos

Adobe Analytics


Release date: January 14, 2021

  • Important notices for Analytics administrators(Updated January 20, 2021)

New features in Adobe Analytics

FeatureGeneral Availability - Target DateDescription
Analysis Workspace – Image URLsJanuary 14, 2021You can add images to Workspace projects by referencing a public image URL. Learn more
Analysis Workspace - Combined Source and Settings managerJanuary 14, 2021The data source manager (dot) and settings manager (gear) for visualizations have been combined into a single dialog, so you can easily manage your source and settings from the same location.
Analysis Workspace – Component selectionFebruary 4, 2021The drop-down/drop zone component found in Quick Insights has been added to all drop zones in Workspace. This enhancement allows you to pick from a drop-down list of compatible components or continue to use the space as a drop zone.

New features in Customer Journey Analytics

FeatureGeneral Availability - Target DateDescription
Device and Geography dimensionsOctober 30, 2020These dimensions are now available by default as part of the Global Lookup support project in the Adobe Analytics Source Connector. This much-requested addition increases parity between Adobe Analytics and CJA.
Journey IQ: Cross-Channel AnalyticsJanuary 11, 2021Journey IQ: Cross-Channel Analytics enables you to re-key an Adobe Analytics (or other) event dataset in Experience Platform data lake from one ID namespace to another. Typically, this means re-keying the event dataset from a cookie-based ID to a person-based ID. This way, the re-keyed dataset may be combined with other person-based data in a CJA connection, thus enabling cross-device and cross-channel analysis in Analysis Workspace. Learn more
Analysis Workspace – Image URLsJanuary 14, 2021You can add images to Workspace projects by referencing a public image URL.
Analysis Workspace - Combined Source and Settings managerJanuary 14, 2021The data source manager (dot) and settings manager (gear) for visualizations have been combined into a single dialog, so you can easily manage your source and settings from the same location.
Analysis Workspace – Component selectionFebruary 4, 2021The drop-down/drop zone component found in Quick Insights has been added to all drop zones in Workspace. This enhancement allows you to pick from a drop-down list of compatible components or continue to use the space as a drop zone.

Fixes in Adobe Analytics

  • Fixed formatting, downloading, and sending issues with downloaded CSV reports in Workspace. (AN-224844
  • Fixed an issue that caused no data for mobile attributes to appear in Livestream even though the Analytics report suite contained data. (AN-241169)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Real-Time report from showing any data. (AN-242477)
  • In Reports & Analytics, fixed an issue that caused no data to show when using the contains filter. (AN-237354)
  • Fixed an issue that caused segments deleted from Adobe Analytics to continue to be used in the Campaign Data Connector. (AN-236713)
  • Fixed issues with scheduled reports getting stuck in the reports queue. (AN-242599, AN-242554, AN-242900, AN-243329)
  • Fixed issues with shared target reports in Reports & Analytics. (AN-234638)
  • Fixed an issue with bar graphs not showing data in Workspace. (AN-232127)
  • Fixed issues with customers being unable to log in to Adobe Analytics. (AN-241882 AN-238802)
  • Updated the Mobile Device report to include the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G. (AN-238246)
  • Fixed issues with errors in scheduled reports in Workspace. (AN-236707, AN-243449)
  • Fixed an issue with data source files not getting picked up by FTP. (AN-240347)
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error when trying to access Advertising Analytics. (AN-241478)
  • Fixed an issue with files are not getting picked up from Classification FTP. (AN-242490)
  • Fixed a UI rendering error in Workspace. (AN-243123)
  • Fixed a Data Warehouse issue with being unable to receive files from the SFTP server. (AN-244679)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Download Report link from working, found under Admin > Logs > Usage and Access Logs. (AN-238058)

Additional Adobe Analytics fixes

AN-204659; AN-221726; AN-230949; AN-231984; AN-232835; AN-233989; AN-235593; AN-235989; AN-236823; AN-236840; AN-237168; AN-237262; AN-237265; AN-237633; AN-237740; AN-238523; AN-238870; AN-238941; AN-239414; AN-239649; AN-239652; AN-239676; AN-239703; AN-240184; AN-240219; AN-240412; AN-240530; AN-240609; AN-240625; AN-240664; AN-240682; AN-240715; AN-241052; AN-241077; AN-241112; AN-241149; AN-241578; AN-241714; AN-242157; AN-242485; AN-242535; AN-242573; AN-242608; AN-242728; AN-242818; AN-242820; AN-242963; AN-242978; AN-243013; AN-243054; AN-243105; AN-243172; AN-243181; AN-243255; AN-243326; AN-243418; AN-243449; AN-243463; AN-243507; AN-243518; AN-243519; AN-243598; AN-243805; AN-243814; AN-243910; AN-243929; AN-244009; AN-244012; AN-244105; AN-244121; AN-244137; AN-244188; AN-244225; AN-244305; AN-244357; AN-244363; AN-244419; AN-244607; AN-244695; AN-244713; AN-244828; AN-244843; AN-244876; AN-244877; AN-245388; AN-245470

Important notices for Analytics administrators

NoticeDate Added or UpdatedDescription
EOL of Ad Hoc AnalysisJan. 21, 2021On March 1, 2021, Ad Hoc Analysis will reach end-of-life. At that time, all projects and schedules leveraging this product will stop working. For more information, visit Discover Workspace.
Required Report Builder updateJanuary 8, 2021By April 30, 2021, all Report Builder users must update the Report Builder add-in to version 5.6.47 or later. This version includes a critical update to the sign-in process. Users who do not update to version 5.6.47 or later will not be able to sign-in after April 30, 2021. Report Builder version 5.6.47 and later supports Experience Cloud login only and does not support legacy logins such as SiteCatalyst Single Sign-on or the standard sign-in. For more information, see Report Builder Sign-In.
End-of-life for three Analytics API servicesJanuary 6, 2021On April 30, 2021, the following Analytics Legacy API services are slated to reach their end-of-life date and will be shut down. Any current integrations built using these services will stop working on that day.
  • 1.3 Analytics APIs
  • 1.4 SOAP Analytics APIs
  • Legacy OAuth Authentication (OAuth and JWT)
We have provided a Legacy API EOL FAQ to help answer your questions and provide guidance on how to proceed. API integrations that employ these services can migrate to the 1.4 Analytics REST APIs and/or the 2.0 Analytics APIs. Legacy OAuth accounts can migrate to an Adobe IO Analytics integration account, which can be used to access both the 1.4 Analytics APIs and 2.0 Analytics APIs.
Adding HSTS header to all incoming HTTPS requestsSept. 29, 2020On Sept. 29, 2020, we started adding the HSTS header to all incoming requests that use HTTPS. This instructs the browser/client to make all future requests in HTTPS, which is a considered a security best practice. At this point, we will not enforce this for incoming requests using HTTP.
Change to Experience Cloud ID Service cookie settingSept. 22, 2020An update to the privacy settings for Chrome version 80 impacted the ability of Adobe Analytics to track some users viewing Google AMP pages. Specifically, it prevents cross-domain tracking of users viewing Google-hosted AMP pages. This could result in inflated counts of unique visitors. This fix allows users to address this problem by changing the settings for their ECID cookies.
Currently, Analytics sets Experience Cloud ID Service (ECID) cookies with the setting SameSite = Lax which, prior to version 80 of Chrome, allowed cross-domain tracking. This is no longer the case. This change allows users to update the SameSite setting for ECID cookies to None.
Note that this allows the Analytics cookie to be shared in more situations, but Analytics cookies do not contain sensitive information. In addition, when choosing this setting, cookies must be set to Secure so that data can be passed only via HTTPS connections. If you would like to make this change, please have a supported user open a ticket with Customer Care.
Migration from omniture.com to adobe.com domainAug. 21, 2020On August 13, 2020, Adobe Analytics migrated its frontend architecture from omniture.com|http://omniture.com/ to the adobe.com|http://adobe.com/ domain. This change should mitigate third-party cookie issues that arose after the initial May 28, 2020 unified product domain change. As a result of this update, the browser may prompt users to trust the new an .adobe.com|http://an.adobe.com/ or experience.adobe.com|http://experience.adobe.com/ domain.
Update on Ad Hoc Analysis Java 8 compatibilityAug. 21, 2020Ad Hoc Analysis is not currently compatible with Java 8 versions 1.8.0_261+. To ensure that your access to this tool is not disrupted before the end-of-life date is reached, we recommend that you maintain a Java 8 version prior to 1.8.0_261.
EOL of Adobe Data ConnectorsJuly 13, 2020Adobe Data Connectors are powered by legacy technology that is no longer viable or supported. We have a new standard in the Adobe Exchange Partner Program that should be adopted for any integrations that wish to continue to be offered and supported. The official end-of-life date is still to be determined, but we anticipate it to be in the next 12-18 months (mid 2021 to end of 2021). Learn more…


For the latest updates on AppMeasurement releases, please refer to AppMeasurement for JavaScript release notes.

Report Builder

FeatureGeneral Availability - Target DateDescription
Sign-in Update to Analytics Report BuilderJanuary 14, 2021The Report Builder sign-in process improvements remove dependencies on legacy technologies and aligns the sign-in process with Adobe Experience Cloud. The Experience Cloud sign-in lets you use your Adobe ID or Enterprise ID (Single Sign-on) to sign in to the Adobe Experience Cloud. By April 30, 2021, all Report Builder users must update the Report Builder add-in to version 5.6.47 or later. Report Builder version 5.6.47 and later supports Experience Cloud sig-in only and does not support legacy sign-ins, such as SiteCatalyst Single Sign-on or the standard sign-in. For more information, see Report Builder Sign-In.

Analytics help resources

Adobe Audience Manager

New features, fixes, documentation and tutorials in Audience Manager.


Audience Manager courses and tutorials

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Audience Manager.

December 15, 2020Setting Permissions with Role-Based Access ControlVideoLearn how to manage permissions at the group level, controlling who gets to see and work with assets, including traits, segments, destinations, and models. Set up the permission groups and add users to them.

Adobe Experience Manager

New features, fixes, and updates in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). Adobe recommends customers with on-premise deployments to deploy the latest patches to ensure higher stability, security, and performance.

Adobe recommends visiting Experience Manager release updates and roadmap frequently to stay current on release information.

Product updates

  • AEM
    AEM 6.5, Service Pack 7 ( released November 26, 2020) is an important update that includes new features, key customer enhancements, improved performance, stability, and security, released since the general availability of AEM 6.5, April 2019.

  • AEM
    AEM 6.4, Service Pack 8, Cumulative Fix Pack 3 ( released November 26, 2020) is an important update that includes several internal and customer fixes since the general availability of AEM 6.4, Service Pack 8 (, March 2020.

Product releases

  • AEM as a Cloud Service

    What is new on AEM as a Cloud Service?

    • Adobe Experience Manager Sites as a Cloud Service

      • Content Fragment HTTP API: Add the ability to add/update and delete Content Fragment variations using the HTTP API.
    • Adobe Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service

      • Integration with Adobe InDesign Server is now available for Experience Manager as a Cloud Service. It provides automation to process Adobe InDesign files using Adobe InDesign Server scripting and lets users use Assets templates user interface to create brochures or ads. Only InDesign Server hosted by Adobe Managed Services is supported for Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.
      • Experience Manager is enhanced to track and display asset references when an asset is used in a remote Experience Manager Sites deployment using the Connected Assets functionality. A new References tab in asset’s Properties page now lists local and remote references of the asset. The references let DAM users track asset usage in Sites pages and in compound assets in Assets.
        See configure and use Connected Assets.
      • Dynamic Media capabilities are now accessible by way of Sites image-based Core Components. Authors can quickly configure components to use Image Presets, Smart Crop, and Image Modifiers when creating webpages.
        See Core Components 2.13.0 release.
      • Experience Manager desktop app lets users upload files and folders by dragging the files from Windows Explorer or Mac Finder on the desktop app interface.
        See add assets using desktop app.
    • Adobe Experience Manager Commerce as a Cloud Service

      • Released CIF Venia Reference Site - 2020.12.01 that includes the latest CIF Core Components version v1.6.0.
        See CIF Venia Reference Site.
      • Released CIF Core Components v1.6.0.
        See CIF Core Components.
    • Cloud Manager

      • Self service management of SSL Certificates and Custom Domain Names.
      • Self service management of IP Allow Lists.
      • Updated Environment details page now allows users to manage Custom Domain Names and IP Allow Lists on their environments.
    • Code Refactoring Tools

      • New version of AIO-CLI plug-in released. Latest version of this plug-in includes bug fixes for the AEM Dispatcher Converter and the Repository Modernizer and also supports a new utility - Index Converter.
        See Unified Experience to learn more about this plug-in.
      • Index Converter is a utility that can be used to transform a customer’s Custom OAK Index Definitions to AEM as a CLoud Service compatible OAK Index Definitions.
        See Index Converter.
      • New feature added to Repository Modernizer that creates a separate package ui.config to contain all OSGi configurations.

See the AEM as a Cloud Service release notes.


Experience Manager as a Cloud Service

New feature documentation updates are available in the links above. Additional documentation updates include the following:

  • Best Practices Analyzer

    • Cloud Readiness Analyzer is now Best Practices Analyzer (BPA). BPA provides a best practices assessment of your current AEM implementation and helps assess the readiness to move from an existing AEM instance to AEM as a Cloud Service.
  • Foundation

    • Workflows - Support was added for searching workflow instances based on Workflow Title, Workflow Model, Status, Initiator, Payload Path and Start Date.
      See Search Workflow Instances.
    • Publish-Tier User Data Synchronization - User data, including profile attributes and group memberships, can be persisted on the publish tier.
      See Registration, Login, and User Profile documentation.

Experience Manager Forms

Documentation for the following features included in the release is available:

  • You experience faster server-side validations and PDF to adaptive form conversion after installing the service pack.

  • You can now undo all resizing changes and apply default layout to each component in Layout mode of an adaptive form. See Use layout mode to resize components.

  • Experience Manager Forms form data model when integrating with RESTful web services as the data source now includes HTTP client configurations for connection management. See Configure data sources.


Latest Adobe Experience Manager content on Experience League for January 2021 - See a comprehensive list of feature videos, articles, tutorials, and course here.

New Experience Manager courses and tutorials

Updated: January 10, 2021

New videos, tutorials, and courses published over the past month.

December 7, 2020Advanced data modeling with Fragment ReferencesArticleGet started with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and GraphQL. Learn how use the Fragment Reference feature for advanced data modeling and to create a relationship between two different Content Fragments. Learn how to modify a GraphQL query to include field from a referenced model.
December 7, 2020Query AEM using GraphQL from an external appArticleGet started with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and GraphQL. Explore AEM’s GraphQL APIs a sample WKND GraphQL React app. Learn how this external app makes GraphQL calls to AEM to power its experience. Learn how to perform basic error handling.
December 7, 2020Explore GraphQL APIsArticleGet started with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and GraphQL. Explore AEM’s GraphQL APIs using the built-in GrapiQL IDE. Learn how AEM automatically generates a GraphQL schema based on a Content Fragment model. Experiment constructing basic queries using the GraphQL syntax.
December, 2020Authoring Content FragmentsArticleGet started with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and GraphQL. Create and edit a new Content Fragment based on a Content Fragment Model. Learn how to create variations of Content Fragments.
December 7, 2020Defining Content Fragment ModelsArticleGet started with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and GraphQL. Learn how to model content and build a schema with Content Fragment Models in AEM. Review existing models and create a new model. Learn about the different data types that can be used to define a schema.
December 9, 2020API compatibilityArticleCreate a simple article that clearly communicates which AEM APIs (npm, Java, HTTP) can be used for various Assets operations.
December 2, 2020Downloading Content FragmentsVideoAn overview of the download capabilities of Content Fragments.
December 7, 2020Content Fragment Editorial CapabilitiesVideoA video overview of the advanced capabilities of Content Fragment editor. Learn how to use annotations and version comparison with Content Fragments.
December 4, 2020OCR data extraction with or without barcode from government issued documentsArticlePopulate adaptive form by extracting data from government-issued documents like a driver’s license or passport.
December 14, 2020AEM Headless with GraphQL OverviewVideoAn overview of the GraphQL API implemented in Adobe Experience Manager or AEM. The GraphQL API in AEM is primarily designed to deliver Content Fragment data to downstream applications as part of a headless deployment.
December 16, 2020Dynamic Media Core ComponentVideoThe Image component, part of Experience Manager Core Components, has built-in support for Dynamic Media. Learn about how the Image component allows a content author to use features of Dynamic Media like Image Presets, Smart Crop and Image Modifiers on an AEM Sites page.

Experience Manager release information

All Experience Manager release notes are maintained at the following pages:

Additional help resources for AEM

Adobe Campaign

Adobe Campaign provides an intuitive, automated way to deliver one-to-one messages across online and offline marketing channels. You can now anticipate what your clients want using experiences determined by their habits and preferences.

New product releases

Release information for Campaign Classic, Campaign Standard and Control Panel.

Campaign Classic

Incident Response Bulletin (Updated: January 12, 2021)

  • 20.3.3 release - Read more
  • 20.3.1 release - Read more
  • 20.2.4 release - Read more
  • 20.1.4 release - Read more
  • 19.2.4 release - Read more
  • 19.1.8 release - Read more

Campaign Classic Gold Standard

  • Gold Standard 11 release - Read more

Help resources

  • Adobe Campaign Standard: Help Center - Release Notes - How-to videos - Release Planning - Latest documentation updates
  • Adobe Campaign Classic: Help Center - Release Notes - How-to videos- Latest documentation updates
  • Adobe Campaign Control Panel: Documentation - Release Notes - How-to-videos for Campaign Standard / Campaign Classic

New Campaign courses and tutorials

New videos, tutorials, and courses published over the past month.

December 23, 2020Configuring dynamic contentCampaign Classic(Video) Understand the different types of dynamic content and learn how create and apply personalization blocks and conditional statements to a delivery.
December 23, 2020Configuring and managing subscription servicesCampaign Classic(Video) Learn how to setup and manage subscriptions and target subscribers.
December 22, 2020Accessing built-in reportsCampaign Classic(Video) Understand built-in reporting and analysis in Campaign Classic and learn how to generate a delivery report.
December 22, 2020Troubleshooting email delivery issuesCampaign Classic(Video)Learn how to troubleshoot delivery issues.
December 18, 2020Creating Direct Mail DeliveriesCampaign Classic(Video) Learn how to create a direct mail delivery and use seed addresses in a campaign.
December 18, 2020Managing approvals in a campaign Campaign Classic(Video) Learn how to set up approvals and a campaign and how to differentiate between delivery and workflow approvals.
December 18, 2020Executing a campaignCampaign Classic(Video)Learn how to execute a campaign, review an email delivery and the delivery properties.
December 15, 2020Extending the App Subscription schema to personalize push notificationsCampaign Classic(Video) Learn how to extend the app subscription schema to be able to store personalization values Campaign receives from a mobile app.

Advertising Cloud

Release notes for Adobe Advertising Cloud.

New features in Advertising Cloud DSP

Last updated: October 28, 2020

New Help(October 28 release) The legacy help was replaced with updated pages, which are available from the Help link in the DSP main menu and are also available at all times from https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/advertising-cloud/dsp/home.html
Campaigns(October 28 release) The previous Campaigns Beta views are now the default Campaigns views, for quicker insights, simplified workflows, and customized views.
Private Inventory(October 15 release) All users can now set up and edit deal ID details using a new deal ID form, which is a simplified version of the legacy Smart Ad Serving form. To set up new deal ID details, go to Inventory > Deals, click Create, and then click Deal ID Beta.
Placement Forecasting(October 15 release) For placements with placement-level pacing, the Forecast section of the placement settings includes a new Estimated Maximums section, which indicates how much more capacity is available with the current targeting configuration.

New features in Advertising Cloud Search

Last updated: January 22, 2021, for January 23 release

Search Campaigns
Advertising Cloud Search no longer reports new average position data for Microsoft Advertising campaigns. The Average Position column shows values of zero (0) for dates beginning 23 January. This is in preparation for Microsoft’s deprecation of average position data in January 2021.
Average position data collected through 22 January is still available in reports.

Advertising Cloud tutorials and courses

Updated: December 2, 2020

November 14, 2020Create Advertising Cloud Dashboards with Adobe AnalyticsVideoTechniques for creating an Advertising Cloud dashboard for live campaign monitoring.
November 14, 2020Create Advertising Cloud Site Entry ReportsVideoCreating an Advertising Cloud site entry report to monitor day of week, time of day, browser, and geographical influence.
November 14, 2020Create Analytics Custom Metrics with Advertising Cloud DataVideoUseful custom metrics to create when using Advertising Cloud data within Adobe Analytics.
November 14, 2020Create Analytics Segments for Activation and ReportingVideoUsing Advertising Cloud dimensions to create segments for cleaner reporting and analysis.
November 14, 2020Understanding Predictive AudiencesVideoIn this video, we will discuss what Audience Manager Predictive Audiences are, present details about how they work, and point out use cases.
November 14, 2020Create Analytics Profiles for Advertising Cloud Activation and ReportingVideoHow to use Adobe Analytics to create robust site retargeting pools for Advertising Cloud remarketing.
November 14, 2020Reporting with Advertising Cloud Marketing ChannelsVideoHow the Advertising Cloud view-through and click-through entry data works with Adobe Analytics Marketing Channels.
November 14, 2020Create a Pre-Launch Campaign Analysis with Adobe AnalyticsVideoHow to use Adobe Analytics to set the foundation for launching an Advertising Cloud paid media campaign.


For Magento release notes, see:


See Target release notes for the latest release information.

Marketo Engage

Marketo Engage is a complete applications for lead management and B2B marketers looking to transform customer experiences by engaging across every stage of complex buying journeys.

Core Marketo Engage updates

See Marketo release notes for the latest release information.

Upcoming features

The following features are releasing throughout the quarter:

  • New account-based segmentation
  • Save dashboard-specific filters
  • Export Bizible dashboards as PDFs
Sales ConnectCompose Window and Command Center updates/enhancements


  • Asset API “_method” Parameter: After September 2020, Asset API Endpoints will no longer accept _method to pass Query Parameters in a POST body to bypass URI length limitations.
  • Internet Explorer Support Deprecation: Beginning with the July release on July 31, 2020, the Marketo Engage user interface will no longer be supported on Internet Explorer.

For cumulative and historical release notes, see Marketo release notes.

Document Cloud

Release information and help resources for Adobe Document Cloud.

Acrobat tutorials

December 29, 2020Organize pagesArticleUse Organize Pages in Acrobat Document Cloud to add, replace, extract, rotate, delete, and move pages in your PDF.
December 29, 2020Create fillable formsArticleTurn a scanned paper form or document created in InDesign, Microsoft Word or Excel, or other application into a fillable PDF form.
December 29, 2020Scan & OCRArticleConvert scans or images of documents into searchable, editable PDF files, and adjust the quality of the resulting file.
December 28, 2020Preparing Accessible PDF filesArticleCreate universally accessible PDF files.
December 28, 2020Working with form dataArticleIf you have a set of completed forms and need to compile the data, you can use Acrobat DC to merge the responses into a single spreadsheet.
December 28, 2020Reduce file size and optimizeArticleReduce large files and optimize your PDFs without compromising quality for sharing, posting, or archiving.
December 21, 2020Making PDF Ballots More AccessibleWebinarLearn about key areas of PDF accessibility necessary to allow users of assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to read and complete their ballots.
December 21, 2020Redact & SanitizeArticleUse the Redact tool to permanently remove private or sensitive information from your PDF and Sanitize document.
December 18, 2020Action WizardArticleCreate an action to automatically apply a set of commands to one or multiple files.
December 15, 2020Configuring Trait Expiration with the Time to Live (TTL) SettingVideoLearn how to work with Time to Live, which is an expiration of membership in the trait if you don’t re-qualify within the specified period of time.
December 4, 2020Using Adobe PDF Tools API to OCR PDF FilesArticleLearn how to use Optical Character Recognition to unlock scanned PDFs to extract text and create searchable files.
December 4, 2020Getting Started with Adobe PDF Tools API and JavaArticleDevelopers can get started in just a few minutes with the ready to run sample files provided for accessing all the available web services. This tutorial will walk you through all the steps to start running the samples using the PDF Tools Java SDK.
December 4, 2020Getting Started with Adobe PDF Tools API and .NetArticleDevelopers can get started in just a few minutes with the ready to run sample files provided for accessing all the available web services. This tutorial will walk you through all the steps to start running the samples using the PDF Tools .Net SDK.
December 4, 2020Leveraging PDF Tools API to Export PDF to Word, PowerPoint, and MoreArticleConvert PDF files to MS Word for editing of content, approvals, and later sending for signatures to create custom contract workflows. Or, export PDF content to MS Excel format for invoice and financial calculations or data analysis.
December 4, 2020Create a PDF from HTML or MS Office in a few minutes with PDF Tools API and Node.jsArticleLearn about digitizing document workflows with the new Adobe PDF Tools API. This API provides developers free range to pick and choose between several powerful PDF manipulation services to meet the needs of complicated business workflows.

New Adobe Sign courses and tutorials

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Document Cloud.

December 22, 2020Paycheck ProtectionDemoSee how you can use Adobe Sign to convert the Payment Protection Program form into an online interactive form.

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Download the April '19 Release Notes PDF (last updated October 11, 2019)

Weebly Release Notes: New Features And Apps From April 2019

The April ’19 release notes describe all new features releasing from April 2019 through September 2019 for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. Previews for some features will start in February 2019. You can either browse the release notes online or download the document as a PDF file.

April ’19 Release Overview

The April ’19 wave of releases for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform provides you with significant capabilities to transform your business.

These release notes describe functionality that may not have been released yet. Delivery timelines and projected functionality may change or may not ship (see Microsoft policy).

Dynamics 365

The enhancements to Dynamics 365 applications in the April ’19 release include hundreds of new capabilities across Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Portal, Field Service, Project Service Automation, Finance and Operations, Talent, Retail, and Business Central. We're adding a new set of mixed reality experiences using Microsoft Layout and Microsoft Remote Assist.

Microsoft Forms Pro is a brand new enterprise survey app built on top of Microsoft Forms and integrated with Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service for Apps.

The April '19 release delivers continued investments in artificial intelligence capabilities that leverage the power of Microsoft AI research, tools, data, and the Power Platform to help organizations transform customer service, sales, and marketing functions. Dynamics 365 Sales Insights provides actionable insights to drive personalized engagement and proactive decision-making. Dynamics 365 Market Insights enables business users to gather actionable insights based on what consumers say, seek, and feel about their brands and products. Dynamics 365 Customer Service Insights optimizes the customer experience through AI enhanced analysis.

The April '19 release introduces three brand new AI apps:

  • Dynamics 365 Virtual Agent for Customer Service provides AI-powered chat bots to optimize the customer experience.
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Insights enables every organization to unify and understand their customer data to harness it for intelligent insights and actions.
  • Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection enables the e-commerce merchants to drive down fraud loss, increase bank acceptance rates to yield higher revenue, and improve the online shopping experience.

The April ’19 release signifies a key milestone for Dynamics 365. It is the first major update where all our customers across Dynamics 365 will be on the latest version and on a consistent update schedule. It is also a template of how major updates will be done going forward in April and October every year.

Here are the key dates for the April ’19 release.

Release notes availableJanuary 21, 2019Learn about the new capabilities across Dynamics 365 and Power Platform.
Preview availableFebruary 1, 2019Try new capabilities in the April ’19 update before they are deployed in production. Learn more
Release notes updatesFebruary 21, 2019Updates to release notes with additional apps and capabilities.
Virtual launch eventApril 2, 2019Hear from James Phillips, Alysa Taylor, and the product leaders as they preview what’s new. Register now
General availabilityApril 5, 2019April ’19 update available for production deployment. Learn more

Power Platform

New Power Platform capabilities combine Power BI, PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, and Common Data Service for Apps into an unmatched palette of tools to extend, customize, and integrate Dynamics 365 and Office 365 into your environment. The April '19 release provides major improvements to enable business analysts and makers to build higher-quality reports, apps, and workflows more easily, while still supporting more advanced enterprise and administrator requirements.

Data Integration

Data Integration provides built-in connectivity to the Power Platform and more, with data across hundreds of business systems, enabling rich and intelligent experiences. The Common Data Model provides semantic consistency for canonical business entities across Dynamics 365 and Common Data Service for Apps, increasing value and saving time for application developers, ISV partners, and integrators.

We’ve done this work to help you—our partners, customers, and users—drive the digital transformation of your business on your terms. We’re looking forward to engaging with you as you put these new services and capabilities to work, and we’re eager to hear your feedback as you dig into the April ’19 release.

Japanese era update

On May 1, 2019, a new Japanese era and associated calendar will begin. Microsoft is making our April '19 wave of business applications ready to support the new Japan era in May. This includes Dynamics 365 applications, solutions, and Power Platform components, as well as regulatory features in these products and services for the Japanese market. Updates for new era support will be deployed in a similar way to other critical Dynamics 365 updates.

Weebly Release Notes: New Features And Apps From April 2020

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Let us know your thoughts. Share your feedback on a community forum for Dynamics 365 or Power Platform (Power BI, PowerApps, and Microsoft Flow). We’ll use your feedback to make improvements.

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